Previous Birth:-
King kulisbahu ruled Puranpurcity, in the east Mahavideh of Jambudweep. Once Queen Sudanhana dreamt 14 auspicious dreams indicating the birth of a great atma in her womb.
The prince was named Swarnabahu. Once the prince went to the forest on his horse. the horse became uncontrollable & entered the dense forest.Then it reached near the ashram of Galva Rishi. He saw a few girls in the ashram playing . Among them one was very beautiful. He began to like her. As she had aplied chandan on her forehead, flies came to her. She waved them far but they came again & again the girl shouted.Meanwhile the prince came & helped her. All were surprised & were happy when he introduced himself, because, he was destined to become the husband of that beautiful girl, which she knew. That day they were married by Gandharva Vivah, that beautiful girl was princess Padma, of king Khechrendra.
Prince Swarnbahu took his Queen Padma to Puranpur & later a son was born to them. King Swarnbahu became a Chakravorti later on.
Chakravorti Swarnbahu entrusted his kingdom to his son & took Diksha. Later on Muni took regorous fasting & sacrificed food & water.
Varanasi city of Bharat kshetra was ruled by king Ashwasen & maharani Vamadevi.Maharani Vamadevi visulised 14 auspicious dreams indicating the birth of a tirthankar.
At the midnight of Magsar vud dasam,prince was born prisoners were set free, taxes were abolished & whole city rejoiced the birth of the prince.
Naming & ceremony:-
Once the king & queen went to a garden. there at night a black snake slithered near the king. the king was unaware of it.But the queen noticed it & quickly took the king else where. It was the effect of Pregnancy.So,the prince was named"Parshwa Nath."
Prince Parshwanath was not ready to get married. But , he was persuaded, & he got married to princess Prabhavati, daughter of king Prasenajit, of Kushasthalpur, as princess Prabhavati had taken an oath to marry only prince Parshwanath & no body else, but at the same time he denied to ascend the throne of the king. He was away from the worldly pursuits.
Dharnendra - Padmavati -
Once a person named Kamath, who pursued severe penanaces, was under going, "Panchagni Penance" Prince Parshwanath reached there. There was fore all over the flames reached the sky. But, Prince Prarshwakumar so from his divinity, saw that a pair of snakes were getting burnt in one of the woods. Prince Parshwanath, cut one of the woods & out came the pair of snakes burning. Prince Parshwanath told them, "Namashkar Mahamantra" & requested them not to get angry with the tapaswi. At that moment, both the snakes passed away. Later on, they became the god of snakes - Dev Dharnendra & Devi Padmavati.
On magsar vud -- Dashi, prince Parshwanath took Diksha & under went panch mushti loach.
Kamath visualised, Bhagwan Parshwanath, & he wanted to take revenge of his previous birth. In order to harm Parshwa prabhu, he assumed the form of a Lion, tiger, leopard etc.
but the could do no harm, as Bhagwan Parshwanath was in deep meditation & stood like a pillar very strong then black clouds gathered in the sky & rain poured down heavily, nonstop, the water level was rising rapidly. Gradually, it came up to his chest level. At that moment the seat of Dharnendra, began to shake. He visualised Parshwaprabhu, standing in water. He rushed for help. He made a large lotus under the feet of Parshwanath Bhagwan and Dharnendra himself raised his seven hoods, spread them like and umbrella over parshwaprabhu head & thus protected the prabhu. Later on, Kamath repented and went away. When every thing was cleared Dharnendra also went, but parshwa prabhu was unaware of all this .
Bhagwan Parshwanath attained Nirvan after sacrificing food & water for a month on summet shikhar.
Brief History
Ruling period
Life span
9 hands
100 years
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